Sunday, 16 October 2011

God's Desires Obeyed

GLF Ayala
Sunday worship in Ayala was a real highpoint in our journey so far. What an incredible joy it was to be amongst the people of God. Every single one has been drawn by God, not just to the Church, but far more importantly to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Each one is a beautiful  new creation in Christ. Cesar and Ludima originally sensed the call to plant a church in Zamboanga City, but God directed them to this area of Ayala. In obedience to the Spirit, they went and began Gospel Light Fellowship. Through the prayers of so many this fellowship has grown as they have been faithful and courageous in God.
John and I were received with such love and genuine warmth, it was at times very moving. As we worshipped God with these brothers and sisters we had a powerful sense of God's heart for the nations to come and bow down with one heart and mind in worship of him - a foretaste of heaven indeed!
John, or should be call him Pastor John? - was the preacher. As I indicated on the last blog he preached on the healing of the official's son in John 4:43-54, Cesar giving a simultaneous translation, but done so as if he was preaching Filipino style! No-one could slumber or sleep. No snores from the back staid Presbyterian pews! Apart from anything the pews are backless benches or plastic garden seats so there isn't much chance of comfort.
My Friends
As I sat in the front row while John was preaching, a group of three little boys joined me with their Gideon New Testament. They could not read but they wanted to see where I was reading from. As I shared my Bible with them, they became my friends and friends means photos - so here they are.
Here is a vibrant church, with a passion to see families come to know Jesus. It is not easy. The dominant religious atmosphere is Catholic or Muslim. There are powerful forces of land and money at work to make breaking from either to follow Jesus in the simplicity of the Gospel, extremely costly. The work goes on with quiet, prayerful, courageous faith - a truly beautiful quality I suspect is only produced in the face of adversity.
Come let us worship and bow down!
The great news is that two families are leaving the GLF! Most pastors would be devastated by that statement, but not Cesar. He is thrilled! They are not troublesome malcontents, the exact opposite. They are faithful families whom God is calling and drawing back to Zamboanga City to plant a new church. They have a vision to plant near the Airport, as one of the families will be living there. They have asked Cesar to remain as their Pastor and he has not only agreed, but agreed with great delight. From December he will pastor both GLF in Ayala and this new little congregation in Zamboanga City. Who will God gather round these two families? What lives will be touched by the reality of the Risen Christ in these people? Only God knows that bit of the story. But for now, they know they are going; Cesar knows what he must do and they are joining in what God is up to. Full Circle for Cesar - a church plant in Zamboanga City - just a different timing form expected. Yet that's how God so often works. Does it get much better than that?

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