Saturday, 22 October 2011

Daring to Imagine

Two older men, one bunch of yellow-tee-shirted young people and the Lord - a heady mix indeed! That was this morning's setting in Ayala. We need not have worried, because they were such a delightful group from several churches. As John explored David and Goliath and Christian warfare with them it became clear that God was indeed present and on the move. Hearts were being touched by the Spirit. It became very obvious to me as I spoke on the call of Jeremiah as could see visible impact in their lives. One of their leaders called them forward for prayer and we had the privilege of praying for them and blessing them as they grow up in Christ. There may be gum gnashing and hand wringing in many churches over the lack of young people or grumps and groans because they don't easily conform to the old ways but where young people are seen as living works of God's grace, all we can do is marvel and delight in seeing the next generation burn with love for Jesus, love for each other and a compassion for the world. The challenge the Lord set me is to stand up and encourage young people to be who God has made them to be and to personally nurture them in their faith, their struggles and triumphs so that they grow to bear the likeness to Christ more clearly than my generation has ever done. It was such a joy to pray over them and to sense that the call of God is on their lives for the flourishing of the Church of Jesus in this area in coming months and years. Fantastic! Or more spiritually, Hallelujah!
No church event is complete without food so we headed through the house to a feast set for the youth pastors and ourselves in Ludima's kitchen. Conversation came to an abrupt end as the corrugated steel roof was battered by deafening torrential rain - it just gave space to eat! Joking apart, it was so good just to have fellowship with these youth pastors and to know their hearts for their young people - very moving.
Equally moving was a short time with two of the Ayala elders. The one on the RHS is the first man in Ayala to become a Christian through Cesar's ministry. His whole family became believers a la Book of Acts and have been part of the church ever since. The one on the LHS is youth pastor. The "meeting" was more an opportunity to present John and I each with a ship in a bottle as a reminder of our visit. Those of you with sharp eyes will notice a couple of interesting photos on the wall behind, reminding of past and present bonds of love. These bonds have been strong over more than 16 years and in this visit have been strengthened all the more.
Going back to these young folk, Cesar has a real vision to see a Bible School established in Zamboanga as he senses that there is a time of real harvest coming and he wants leaders and pastors to be made ready for what God will do. I love that! What shape will it have? The potential is huge. I am daring to imagine God's future here...are you too?

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